Monday 26 January 2015

ALDI and their Isle Blockage!

The first culprit of this blog is ALDI. I thought I would start this blog off with the means to go on, this is with little problems that carry big consequences. 

Yes! ALDI do indeed bring amazing value to their customers (NOT CHEAP, but value!) and are competing with their bigger competitors in the market, by providing good value from there products.
They became a big player throughout the downfall of the economy and have rose from 3.4%  to 4.6% market share and will keep increasing. Although this doesn't compare to the 'Big Four' of supermarkets share, with tescos still having the most % even with there recent .. eh shambles.. with 28.6% market share. 

Anyway there's the brief out of the way. Here comes the really annoying part I find as a customer.
I walk down the isles of ALDI and i expect to see this... 

But NO! you would honestly think you are walking into a supermarket which hasn't opened for the business day yet and that your just getting in the way of them stocking the shelves. I actually find my self apologizing to Jim the ALDI employee for getting in the way of his Pallet in the middle of the isle. WHAT IS GOING ON!. When you go shopping in ALDI all you find in each isle is someone re stocking goods with there massive crates, massive cages or massive pallets. It's bad enough having some mums of ALDI thinking they have a given right to take as much room as possible to accommodate there trolleys with 4 kids hanging off the sides.

In operations and business terms it is an absolute shambles, the flow of the store is all over the place..
All stock should be out before the store opens and when stock is low throughout the day! not just keep piling them on top of each other, all day long, without stopping. Its like their having a game of frigging JENGA! .. OK if it is a must somehow!? to have the need to restock throughout the day, then at least re stock at non-peak times to not frustrate customers instead of doing it at 12pm, 3pm and 5pm! 

You have to be in the mood to shop in ALDI,  because it is such a stressful experience. It doesn't help that when you get to the actual buying part, that there is only ONE i repeat ONE! cashier at the tills because the rest are too busy still staking up for a new game of Jenga. The customer area to pack your things away is also too small, you know which bit i mean? dont you? that arm rest for the cashier, that small section there. 
I am awful at packing as well so i just have to throw stuff in the trolley like someone sort of trained loading machine.

I honestly believe this is the reason some people don't shop at ALDI. Customers don't go into ALDI because of their clutter, their lack of room and their lack of organised till sections to do your shopping in, unlike other supermarkets which do.

If you feel the same way and completely agree or if you have any comeback comment to this I will be happy to reply back ASAP with an answer back. So Please go ahead and do so,

Thank you for Reading and look for the new blog entry weekly. 

ALDI and their Isle Blockage!

By Rickie Murrin Blog post about ALDI's mistake of blocking isles for customers, which has fundamental operational problems

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